Max Limited Edition - In February of 2018, our daughter Jadie Max was born 10 weeks early. All seemed find and we prepared for a NICU stay. Just a few days later, we were told that she had a Grade 4 periventricular hemorrhage. She likely wouldn't walk, might not talk, and might never be able to care for herself. It was a long, tough 8 week stay at the NICU. I'd started a new job and had no time off. Steph commuted to the hospital daily to stay with Jadie as much as she could. Grizzly Bay was still relatively new to the scene, but I'd established the Grizzly Cut and sales were picking up. When I could get myself back to the shop, I started cutting a prayer band into the grip until the girl came home.
In the years that followed we watched for the milestones, forced into patiently evaluating early attempts to crawl, waiting for first steps, and the like. Jadie Max has grown and done great. No issues. We're beyond grateful.
I've since revisited what I called the Max Editions (typically in February) in the years since, and in a spirit of thankfulness, decided I wanted to do something special with the earnings from these special handles. A portion of the profits from each Max Edition goes to The CALL of Saline and Perry Counties. This non-profit organization works to recruit, train, and support foster families for local children in need of a home. I know the people here and worked with them for years now. It's a great cause and I'm grateful for so much. Thanks for supporting the cause with your purchase of a Max Edition.
This year, $30 from every Max handle and $50 from every Max/Fanchurian combo will go directly to The CALL.
Now about THIS brush -
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Bored for a 26mm knot
Max Limited Edition
Classic Grizzly Cut
Brass Grizzly Coin